Hiring a qualified
building envelope consultant offers reasonable certainty against problems and pitfalls developing before, during, or after construction. The building envelope is a physical separator between the unconditioned and conditioned environment that includes resistance to heat, air, light, water, and noise transfer. This is accomplished for comfortable and trouble-free living. The building envelope has three basic components:
air barrier, weather barrier, heat or thermal barrier. In addition, the term building envelope can also incorporate appearance, structure, safety from fire and security.
Simply put, a building envelope consultant focuses on solving or preventing performance problems associated with the enclosures of buildings. The specialists at BUSTAMANTE ENGINEERS provide expert analysis of commercial, industrial, and residential structures primarily for owners and facility managers. We provide expert professional assistance by offering clear and accurate structural inspection services and specialize in the structural design of all elements of the building envelope which includes the following and their component parts:
A qualified building envelope consultant provides their knowledge, experience, and understanding, as well as proper design and construction practices as related to the envelope systems. This is valuable information for any general contractor, architect, property manager, homeowner, and facility manager and can result in savings related to building performance throughout the life of the structure. Click to contact us online or call 215-340-6990 today and minimize the potential for unpleasant surprises in the future!