What Are Ice Dams? Ice dams are ridges of ice that form at the edge of a roof, preventing melted snow from properly draining off. This trapped water can seep under shingles and into your home, leading to leaks, mold growth, and structural damage.
Cracks in walls can be a confusing sight for homeowners, as they may wonder if the cracks are harmless or indicative of structural problems. The key to proper repair and prevention lies in understanding what type of crack it is and its cause. Not all wall cracks should raise equal levels of concern. Whether hairline or larger, vertical or diagonal, each crack tells a unique story about the state of your house’s structure and the external factors affecting it...
This project involved the asphalt milling and overlay of all internal roadways and parking areas within the community, pavement line striping, inlet top replacement, curbing and flatwork replacements, downspout tie-ins to stormwater roadway inlets, and the installation of concrete dumpster pads...
The BUSTAMANTE ENGINEERS Inc. project that we are highlighting this month is CMP pipes that deteriorated and caused a portion of the pipe to collapse, and the necessary funding to complete the project. These four pipes were initially installed to allow for an existing creek to continue flowing underneath a roadway. The project was pertinent as one of the four had already collapsed and the remainder of the pipes were in a similar disrepair. The cost of replacing the 400 linear feet of pipe was a significant undertaking but made possible with the assistance in the form of a loan received from Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST).
From the initial site analysis to the final inspection, professional engineers ensure that every aspect of a residential renovation is structurally sound, safe, and compliant with all relevant regulations. Engineers also contribute to modern energy efficiency goals by designing systems and structures that reduce environmental impact and enhance energy efficiency. Their role is not only about ensuring the technical aspects of the renovation but also about providing peace of mind to homeowners, knowing that their home is in capable hands.
Any impervious surface, including items such as roads, roofs, or sidewalks, does not allow water and snow to drain into the soil and thus increases the amount of stormwater runoff. Common practice is to prevent the stormwater runoff from traveling off the developed site, making detention or retention basins necessary...
What Are Ice Dams? Ice dams are ridges of ice that form at the edge of a roof, preventing melted snow from properly draining off. This trapped water can seep under shingles and into your home, leading to leaks, mold growth, and structural damage.
Cracks in walls can be a confusing sight for homeowners, as they may wonder if the cracks are harmless or indicative of structural problems. The key to proper repair and prevention lies in understanding what type of crack it is and its cause. Not all wall cracks should raise equal levels of concern. Whether hairline or larger, vertical or diagonal, each crack tells a unique story about the state of your house’s structure and the external factors affecting it...