When natural, undisturbed earth is developed, much of the space is converted to impervious surface. Any impervious surface, including items such as roads, roofs, or sidewalks, does not allow water and snow to drain into the soil and thus increases the amount of stormwater runoff. Common practice is to prevent the stormwater runoff from traveling off the developed site, making detention or retention basins necessary. Regular inspections of stormwater management facilities are crucial for ensuring that these systems continue to function effectively and efficiently.
Stormwater management refers to the practice of managing the runoff of rainwater and melted snow from streets, lawns, driveways, and other sites to improve water quality and reduce the volume and speed of runoff. Any new residential or commercial development is required to promote groundwater infiltration in addition to restricting the rate of stormwater to pre-development conditions.
Instead of just retention and detention basins, there is increased interest in bio retention, rain gardens, and infiltration berms. Regular evaluations ensure that these facilities not only continue to perform their intended function but also adapt to evolving environmental conditions.
Overall, current integrated approaches to
stormwater management not only effectively control the threat but also contribute to the sustainability and livability of suburban communities. While stormwater facilities are needed to protect the environment and prevent downstream flooding, without proper maintenance they can be a liability risk. You can mitigate this risk by scheduling evaluations with a professional engineer at least two times per year and/or after intense storms.
Most communities need a stormwater facility maintenance expert like BUSTAMANTE ENGINEERS, who can inspect all aspects of the system and make recommendations for proper maintenance and repairs when required. If you’re not conducting annual stormwater evaluations as part of your overall stormwater management plan, start now. Having a management plan that includes annual stormwater inspections will provide the valuable information needed to put together long-term maintenance budgets. Our experienced stormwater management engineers are standing by ready to assist. Click to contact us online or call 215-394-6990 today…